"Democratic socialism" turns the land of the free and home of the brave into the land of disease and home of the enslaved.
Robin Smith
October 25, 2018
“What the Democrats don’t realize is that the Nov. 6 midterm elections are not going to be about President Trump — they are going to be about what kind of America we want to become,” wrote former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in a recent op-ed.
He’s right. The elections next week will be one more critical step in the direction of how America will look for generations to come.
A fount of analysis is available providing polling, trends, historical behaviors, and turnout models aiming to explain this election. But let’s imagine America as the Democrats are advertising.
First, it’s imperative that public discourse should address openly the historical failures of socialism. The generation clamoring for this collective government-sanctioned way of life has never been educated using historical texts speaking of the greatness of America’s Founders, or of the freedoms sought and established here by deliberate and careful construction of the Rule of Law — observing man’s tendencies and the need for a government that serves its citizens, not creates subjects of tyrannical reign.
Instead, the generation that is being led pitifully down the path of socialism has been indoctrinated by tenure-protected faculty who preach the gospel of secularism and shame the value of a true faith in God. These academics are the evangelists of the collective and manufactured rights available only to the devout who worship at the altar of Big Government — a government that replaces the family; redefines life, gender, and marriage; and speaks of equal outcome instead of equal opportunity.
Recent polling indicates that 57% of Democrats view socialism favorably. Surely, these folks are simply ignorant of the actual history of socialism’s implementation.
The fall of the Soviet Union in 1989 exposed the worst of socialism in a world power. China’s control over its production, information, and property enslaves its population. National Socialism (Nazis) and Marxist Socialism (Communists) murdered at least 100 million people in the 20th century.
Oh, but those are “extreme” examples, we’re told.
Today’s demand for “democratic socialism” is marketed via social media and Google algorithms and sent around by young adults who have no ability to critically think or reason. Ironically, without a free market in a nation that observes property rights, most people would not have access to the capital needed to have the smartphone that spreads their contagion. These comrade-wannabes also miss that the flow of information would be controlled by the state to ensure its subjects were compliant to the needs of masses, not influential on matters such as offering consent to be governed.
With the campaigns of Bernie Sanders (the modern prophet of socialism), Elizabeth “Fauxchahontas” Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Beto O'Rouke on the Democrats’ slate of progressives, the promise of free college tuition with no strings tickles the ears. The “right” of health insurance seems logical when you’ve been indoctrinated to believe that government has its own money and economy without productive citizens lawfully paying their taxes, and that “free” health insurance is as simple as slinging pixie dust. A “universal wage” is equally appealing to those who have spent four, five, and six years completing a degree in women’s studies with a minor in Celtic History and find that their degree yields a job as often as one could find teats on a bull.
The allure of the version of socialism dished out by today’s Democrats is pure desperation for anything to draw voters to their partisan pity party of disgruntled and perpetually aggrieved victims.
So what would socialism look like in America? We could bring to mind Venezuela, where people are going without food, medicine, and social order, while rationing such simple items as toilet paper. We could also look at this “caravan of migrants” coming from Honduras, which is exporting its miserably poor because it refuses to import the currency of Liberty.
But more appropriately, take a look at America’s 31st state, California, to see how socialism takes root. With its vast wealth of population and natural resources, the Golden State has the fifth largest economy in the world, surpassing Great Britain. Yet it remains within the top 10 of these United States as having the highest tax burden on individuals and businesses. Inching toward a single-payer health insurance system, Californians provide illegal immigrants not only with safe harbor in the sanctuary state, but provide them with benefits such as health care, tuition and, even voting rights in local elections.
And what’s happening in this “democratic socialism” on the Left Coast? The state admits to about $1.3 trillion in debt (trillion, not billion). Headlines recently noted that typhus is on the rise. Yeah, that typhus, spread by fleas of rodents. Human feces are a problem in San Francisco, homeless camps are turning Los Angeles into a trash heap, and the call for more spending rings loudly as California proudly promotes itself as the destination for the invasion coming up from Central America.
The new “democratic socialism” turns the land of the free and the home of the brave into the land of disease and home of the depraved and enslaved. Wake up, America. Go Vote!
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